Tutorial: How to paint Soot & Exhaust with an Airbrush by Silvernome
Hey gang, Silvernome back with yet another quick tutorial. I think most painters are used to using the tried and true drybrush approach to adding soot effects to weapons and even to their exhaust. But I started to use the airbrush and found I really...
Showcase: Adeptus Custodes Constantin Valdor by Rich
Hi all, Rich back again with some more Custodies, this time the lovely model from Forge World, Constantin Valdor. I really like this model, he feels far grander and imposing than his 40k counterpart Trajann Valoris. I’m starting to think about how I can ready...
Showcase: Chaos Daemons Heralds of Khorne by Uruk
Hi folks, we’re sticking with Khorne for now, but this time it’s the daemonic legions time. Hop inside! Continuing on with the updates to my ever growing forces, and in the light of the newly released plastic redesigns, today we’re taking a look at some...
Tutorial: How to paint Heat Bloom Effects with an Airbrush by Silvernome
Hey gang, back with another tutorial for adding quick details to your finished miniatures. Today I’m going to share how I use an airbrush to add heat bloom effects onto your miniatures weapons. Materials Here are a few of the materials I use: – Iwata...
Showcase: World Eaters Exalted Champions by Uruk
Hello everyone, today I’m back with some new additions to what remains of the XIIth Legion. See you inside. There’s been a number of new units and models I’ve completed for both my armies over the last year or so, but I haven’t been able...
Tutorial: How to Paint Blood, Gore, and Slime Effects by Silvernome
When I was finished with my World Eaters Dreadnought, I thought it was missing something . . . BLOOD! I normally don’t add blood to my minis but for the World Eaters, I felt it was pretty fitting. After sharing him online I got a...
Showcase: Forge World Bloodthirster An’ggrath the Unbound by Silvernome
Hey everyone, Silvernome here back with more Chaos Legion goodness. Today I wanted to share a look at my recently finished Forge World Bloodthirster. If there was one model that I always wished was in my collection, it would have to be the Forge World...
Showcase: Chaos Space Marines Nocitilith Crown by Silvernome
Hey everyone, Silvernome here back with more Chaos Legion goodness. Today I wanted to share a look at my recently finished Noctilith Crown. I can’t get enough of this latest release of Chaos Space Marine goodness. But as much as I adore the new line-up,...
Showcase: Raven Guard Vanguard Librarian by Rich
Hi readers, it’s Rich back again with a quick post for you. When I first saw the new Shadowspear boxed set I got very excited, not just because I have an army of Primaris Marines but because I was immediately captivated by this model, the...
Showcase: Raven Guard Dark Fury Assault Squad & Primaris Librarian by Rich
Surprise! Did you see that coming? Of course not, because they are Raven Guard, covert warfare specialists… I don’t usually share my Raven Guard on the blog because they are my ‘gaming army’ I paint them cleanly but simply. I do however love the Dark...