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Hey party people! Forest here. It’s time to get mean and green again, the biggest boys left their homes to pillage yours. If you wanna get to know them and find out why they always travel with a spare head, read more after the jump.

What’s not to love about those giant, sluggish green monsters with their ridiculously oversized weapons? Painting them and all of their jagged edges, bruised armor and hulkish muscles was great fun. I kind of inverted their base color scheme from the box art, to get them darker and to give the orcish freehands more impact. Speaking of which… just like it needs to be, all the orcish symbols were straight pulled out of the blue. Extra simple, janky and angular.

The skin was a little experiment with lots of washes and glazing to achieve a lighter and more yellow skin than Orcs usually get, with some strong red/brown shadows to blend in with the other earthy tones. Topped with some scars and little dots and voila – old Orcs 😛

My personal favorite is the head carrying, axe wielding boss, who has the biggest checker patterns, of course. To make him extra bloody, I put some fishing wire where his neck used to be and drowned them in Blood for the Blood God.

Alright ya gitz, listen up, leave a komment or reaction below or zog off!