Showcase: Death Guard Contemptor Dreadnought by Silvernome
Hey everyone, Silvernome here back with more Chaos Legion goodness! I’ve always been a fan of the Chaos Legions, but since I mostly play Death Guard and Thousand Sons I never really have had the chance to paint the other Legions without building out a...
Showcase: Asheater Boyz Ironjawz ‘Ardboy by FruitBear
Hello everyone, I’m back with another single miniature post. Here’s an Ironjawz ‘Ardboy I painted for a local store painting competition just recently. For the competition, we weren’t allowed to convert the mini but we could paint it any colour scheme we wanted thus I...
Showcase: Adeptus Custodes Vertus Praetors by Rich
Hi all, Rich here and I’m back again with some more shiny gold things. I have a bit of a reputation amongst my friends for my love of shiny things so the Custodes were a clear choice for me when they arrived in 40k. I...
Showcase: Sautekh Dynasty Necron Warrior by FruitBear
Hi everyone! Back here once again with a single miniature. This time it’s a test model for a Necron Warrior based on the Sautekh Dynasty scheme. Recently I’ve been trying ‘Eavy Metal painter Paul Norton’s method for painting metal and the results are awesome so...
Showcase: Ultramarines Lieutenant Calsius by Rich
Hi all, its Rich back again. I had a little break from hobbying recently whilst my wife and I moved house, but I’m back in the flow again with a permanent space set up for me to paint. I’ve been enjoying the early issues of...
Showcase: Shadespire Steelheart’s Champions Angharad Brightshield by FruitBear
Hi everyone, this one’s been a long time coming. Finally after so long I’ve finished another member of the Steelhearts war band from Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire. I present to you Angharad Brightshield. I’ve actually been meaning to finish painting her for quote some time but...
Showcase: Silver Tower Grot Scuttlings of Tzeentch by Ninjabread
It’s Age of Sigmar time! Here’s a nine-strong cluster of Grot Scuttlings from the modern (gasp!) Warhammer Quest Silver Tower game. There’s only eight in the box, but I painted a bonus one as PRAISE BE TO TZEENTCH. Spider-Grots, Spider-Grots, manufactured in Notts. Mashing together...
Showcase: Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle by Howard
It’s been a while, but here are some pics of my recently completed model of Mortarion. Hope you like them! I’m sure we all agree that the model is one of Games Workshop’s finest and I thoroughly enjoyed painting him. I must acknowledge that my...
Showcase: Eldar/Aeldari Farseer of Craftworld Saim-Hann by FruitBear
Hi everyone, I’m back sooner than expected and this time with an Eldar/ Aeldari Saim Hann Farseer which was painted for a painting competition, judged by Lecoqadoodledo. I decided to paint the farseer once again with the Saim Hann craftworld scheme as in recent years,...
Showcase: Guardian of the Covenant Primaris Intercessor by FruitBear
Hi everyone, it’s been a while since my last post. Times have been very busy and hectic but luckily I’m still able to get some hobby done. For a while, I’ve wanted to look for an easy Space Marine scheme that isn’t time-consuming. I really...
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