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Hey party people! It’s Forest again. This time I bring you some chunky boys, Aggressors in their impressive gravis armour. If you wanna know what I did to make them a bit more Blood Angels-like, read more after the jump.

I really like the design of the new Gravis armour, they are a nice wink to the bulky old Terminator armour without replacing them. The only thing missing now are the custom designs of former Terminators, with all their robes, bling bling and chapter-specific decorations. No question – this is a mission for special agent Bit Box!

Aside from switching the shoulder pads, every aggressor needs at least one blood drop of any size. They’re Bloody boys, after all. So they got almost every bit from the upgrade sprues of old and new. I shaved off the trim of a blood and skull drop from the upgrade sprue and put it in-between the chest eagle’s wings, which turned out so subtle that I had to point it out here 😉

Sergeant Silverback needed something more obvious, so the enemy can eliminate him easier. The pre-sculpted chains are nice for a start, but only after adding bling wings and the nice Mercedes star on top of him he was a true leader… also indicated by the vehicle sized purity seal on his back, proving he’s been been a good boy this year. And before anybody asks… yes, he’s grey and not blonde, that’s not an accident and may or may not be supported by the lore 😛

How do you deal with rolling 36 dice every round without kicking over other units on the table? Or do you wanna discuss colors and bits? Feel free to leave a comment or reaction below.