Now that we know the contents of “Island of Blood”, I took my Army Book and wrote a 2500 points around the models of the starter set and the great Skaven kits that were released last year. Now I’ve never played a game of Warhammer before so I’m thankful for any kind of comments and hints from fellow Skaven players regarding my list. But please note that this won’t be a die hard tournament list but rather a preferably balanced, fun list with models I like.
Grey Seer (Skalm, Dispel Scroll) on Screaming Bell – 495 points
I think the Screaming Bell is one of the most iconic Skaven units and the new model is awesome, thus it will form the centrepiece of the army. Also the rules sound really funny.
Chieftain (Battle Standard Bearer, Halberd, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield) – 122 points
I think the Battle Standard is very important for the leadership of the army so I gave the chieftain some magic items for protection. He will probably hang around at the back of a unit providing his 12″ reroll bubble and stay out of combat. I plan to convert him from the IoB chieftain.
Warlock Engineer (Warplock Pistol, Doom Rocket) – 53 points
Mainly there because there is a model in IoB and to throw his rocket. Might become a sorcerer in higher point games.
Plague Priest (Lv 2, Censer, Shadow Magnet Trinket) – 181 points
Goes with the Plaguemonks and adds some oumph as well as additional protection from shooting.
30 Stormvermin (full command, shields, Storm Banner), Warpfire Thrower -385 points
Great models, carry the obligatory Storm Banner. Their high initiative should come handy in 8th Edition combat rules.
40 Clanrats (full command, spears, shields), Warpfire Thrower – 290 points
Will push the Bell in a Horde formation. Should become painful with their spears and some of the Bell’s buffs.
30 Clanrats (full command, hand weapons, shields), Poison Wind Mortar – 220 points
20 Slaves (musician, hand weapons) – 46 points
17 Giant Rats, 3 Packmasters – 75 points
17 Giant Rats, 3 Packmasters – 75 points
Some more cheap units. I know other people field more Slaves, but I’d rather max out on Giant Rats as the models just paint up faster.
2 Rat Ogres (with Masterbred), Master Moulder with Shock Prod – 153 points
The models from the starter set are just so awesome. Would love to expand the unit if they come out with more plastic Rat Ogres in the style of the starter.
29 Plague Monks (full command, Banner of the Under Empire) – 253 points
Bodyguard for the Plague Priest. Not sure on this unit, as they are the only models not in the new style of sculptor Seb Perbet. On the other hand, I’ve got a neat colour scheme in mind. I heard there will be more new Skaven models later this year, maybe they get replaced by some new stuff.
Doomwheel – 150 points
Great iconic model, what else to say.
Just a few points:
– Rhellion's spot on about Stormvermin & shields. Stormvermin have done really well for me in the new edition. The higher Strength & Initiative add some punch the Skaven need. Shields are a waste. Yes, they help against shooting, but so does the Stormbanner. Plus, people are going to be shooting at your other weapon teams.
– Speaking of shields: I don't like the Halberd on the BSB. The BSB is so key to the game in general and Skaven in particular, you want to keep this guy as alive as possible. If you give him the halberd, he can't use the shield in combat and I don't even know if that means you lose benefit of the magical shield.
– I've never had a Pistol do me any good at all. It's hurt my Engineer as often as it's hurt another model and it's never had any sort of impact. You're better off with the two clanrats or one stormvermin those points would buy.
– I've never had luck with the Warpfire Thrower, but then I haven't really tried it much yet. Good luck with them: tell us how they work out!
– Love Rat Ogres in the new edition. Love them, but I don't like your unit. The Master Moulder is too vulnerable; as a Champ, he's got to go up front, and that's kind of bad. You don't want these guys taking Stupidity checks. I've been running two blocks of 6 Rat Ogres + 3 Packmasters + Master Bred Upgrade and it's easily won the "Most Improved" award. Super-killy.
– You've overcosted your Slaves: 20 + Musician is 42. You're paying for a champion, as well. I don't think that's a terrible idea; it's something I'm going to try in my next game. The champ won't win any challenges, and it won't save me any combat resolution, but it will help ensure the unit stays as large as possible for 1) Steadfast and 2) explosion.
– I'm still not sure how I feel about using the Horde rule… but with the Bell counting for 15 models, it's hard not to field. You could safely trim a few clanrats out of the unit, though: with just 35, you'll have a 10×5 unit that can soak up some hits and still get the four ranks of attacks. Not that you need to; it's just where I'd turn to for freeing up a few points.
– I wouldn't do the Augmented Weapon for the Engineer. That's, what, 60 points for a low WS, 2 attack S 4 model? You'd get eight Stormvermin for that.
I think anything other than the lvl 1 upgrade and a Warp Energy Condenser is too much for a Warlock you want just casting Warp Lightning. Keep him cheap, and keep him away from the enemies if you can. Warlock-augmented Weapon is definitely way too much for a model that has crap close combat stats and 2 wounds. Save it for your Warlord, if you play one.
The WLE is just going to die after one round of combat. Spending that many points to go from 1 strength 3 attack to 2 strength 4 attacks is a waste of points.
What do you guys think about a Warplock augmented Weapon for the Lv. 2 Condenser Warlock? It's quite pricey but the IoB model has one…
You could try to give a WLE a ward save, but at the end of the day, I would just make him a level 2 and accept that he will server the Great Horned One once he hits combat.
I would try to run a Lvl. 2 with the condensor, but keep the other guy with just the doom rocket and a pistol. He is very annoying to deal with and can shoot stuff to make him annoying in the back field. You were going to use SkitterLeap and put him in the opponents back field, right 🙂
Thanks for all the insightful comments so far! 🙂
There is some chatter on Warseer for another Skaven wave this year with two big plastic kits, probably a Hellpit Abomination and a Warplightning Cannon, so I'm thinking to take out the plague monks and the priest for them. The Plague Monk models just aren't that hot and given the IoB rat ogres I imagine the Abomination to be looking awesome. To fill the gap of the priest in terms of magic maybe add a Lv.1 Warlock with Condenser? But what to do about his lack of armour?
Also regarding Stormvermin, they will definately stay as the models are ace and I need the sprues for conversions anyways. Rhellion, I thought the shield would make them better against shooting?
Again on the Storm Vermin. Adding shields are a waste of points. In the new edition, if you have a special weapon (anything other than a hand weapon) you MUST use it. So Storm Vermin cannot fight with hw/shield in close combat. Save the points.
Also, to me they are better as a flanking unit in smaller numbers. I run mine in units of 25. Another decent option is the armor penetration banner, since they already have strength 4, they will cleave through other lightly armored units.
Think about giving your Plague Priest a ward save. Yes he is T5, but no armor means that he will die quickly in combat. Which is also exactly where you want him. All of his spells are close range, some cast into combat, and frenzied with a flail is mean business. His lower character initiative and no armor save is a liability though.
I know you are taking a look at the Rat Ogres because they come in the new boxed set. I will be doing the same when they come out. I don't use any now, because that Packmaster rules makes it easy to shoot at them, kill the Packmasters, and leave you Rat Ogres stranded with Stupidity. That is where I would cut first, along with some of the Storm Vermin. But since you are getting them with the Starter, it doesn't hurt to try them out a few times.
The Screaming Bell has a footprint of 15 models. So the unit pushing the bell ends up being 55 models. You do not need that many guys, even in horde formation. Drop them down to 30 guys.
The 2 Rat Ogres and handlers will die quickly to any shooting, so either go big with them, or leave them at home.
I would suggest adding a Master Molder to the Rat Packs and giving him a Great Weapon. Also bump those units up to 22 rats, 2 handler and a Master Molder. It is a great unit that is Ld9 away from the general. Perfect for flanking and War Machine hunting.
Oh yeah, and Storm vermin are terrible. Just not efficient at all, but you are not setting up for super-competitive, and the models are nice. Their increased initiative makes them better than previously, but the fact that they must use halberds just means they die just as fast as clanrats. I would instead put the StormBanner with the monks.
Oh yeah, sorry. I didn't have my armybook nearby so I couldn't check such thigs up.
And I have actually not played any new games, but as SV have high iniative! (For being skavens) They are much better.
But it's still 385 points! If you skip them you can afford another "Hard hitter" as Rhellion says. But I don't know how they are in eight edition, so I would do a test game with this list, than try another one without the Stormvermin. Test there efficieny! 🙂
Good Luck!
Storm Vermin are much better in this edition because of their Initiative. I usually stick my Storm Banner with them as well.
Erix, giving the Grey Seer a 5+ Ward is a waste. Wards don't stack. He already has a 4+ Ward, AND MR2. The MR2 gives him a 2+ Ward vs spell wounds.
The banner I am really liking with my Plague Monks is the Banner of Swiftness… but I also run them with a Furnace. +1 Movement is NICE for getting that tank into combat.
Personally I would want another heavy hitter in your list. The Screaming Bell is great, I'm playing one lately since I painted mine, but it lacks the punch of another Doomwheel, Furnace, HPA, or something kill-y. Even a cheap Warp Lightning Cannon.
I also recommend finding 2 more points for 1 more Slave. Saves you a panic test is 5 models die to shooting.
Hey dude.
I don't have my Codex here, but if you wan't a tip. Give your grey seer the item that gives him a 5+ ward save. Because the Bell already gives him a 4+. This means that your little Grey Seer will have a +2 Ward Save.
Your Chieftain, must stay with your Screaming Bell. Because your screaming bell will be in the center! And this will mean all units that are mainstay in your army will get to re-roll break tests!
Stormvermins are a bit… Well not worth all their points. They are rather useless, atleast with there halberds. But now that they benefit from higher initative and ws than the clanrats I see why not? But remember, if they don't do as much as you hope don't be surprised. But the models are hawt!
Clanrats, perfect unit. If I were you I would have had one more of this kind of unit, or increase it and the other clanrat unit. Skip the Stormvermins in that case, and get some more slaves and giant rats! Because the giant rats will benefit from being in a +20 formation.
Rat Ogres… Well I think they are quite a few, and will die to missile fire. So keep the slaves in front of them, and be sure to direct that charge quite well! 😉
Plauge Monks, Frenzy, Two hand weapons, attack in 2 ranks. But if they have the horde rule. Imagine if all the units got to attack. So if you skip the Stormvermin, get these up to 50! And make them have the horde rule, and you will have an unstoppable unit!
Doomwheel, awesome model, always kills for it's points.
Thats my 5 cents.