It feels like ages since I have had the opportunity to post a showcase and man it feels good. I have been working (and still am) on the Dwarf Longbeards for months now. This project was a welcome respite from the stunties and I used the opportunity to test a new way of doing warpstone.
Probably the best part of painting Skaven is the freedom and encouraged sloppiness. I was gleefully drybrushing, stippling and using excessive amounts of washes and it only adds to the model.
For the warpstone I went a completely different route than I did on all my previous Skaven models and am much happier with it. Rather than base coat dark and do incremental edge highlighting for hours I base coated it white and used washes of just two colors to complete it all in a fraction of the time. If you want to give it a try yourself pick up some Golden High Flow Acrylics: Green Gold and Sap Green Hue.
I was asked on my WIP how I did the wood so here that is:
Base Coat: Steel Drab Legion
Heavy Dry Brush: Karak Stone
Light Dry Brush: Screaming Skull
Wash: Agrax Earthshade
Thanks all and happy painting!
That wood is so fantastic because it looks like old rotted wood. It perfectly fits with the wheels. Thanks for sharing the "recipe."
I really like your take on this model It looks excellent.
I like it, it reminds me of the old classic paint jobs GW used to do on their Skaven back in the late 80's early 90's.
This piece really brings out that retro feel without being a retro piece.
Well done.