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I did some more painting on these guys. I finished the armour and started painting the red areas, need a final highlight though. As you can see I gave the Exarch a red head crest, it adds some more of the typical Saim-Hann red to the unit. It’s quite unusual, haven’t seen this model painted in such a way, what do you think? Drop me some comments!
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Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
I like 'em. I really like the red crest. I wouldn't have thought red on dark red would look that good, but it does. Cheers.
Looking might fine. Mighty fine indeed. Very keen to see the final product.