
Two more Harlequins finished

I finally finished these two Harlequins (except for varnishing). Next up are a Great Harlequin and regular one, making a total of five Harlequins. Once these are finished, I will save my other five Harlequins for a later point and paint something else. I’m not…

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Harlequin Test Model Finished

I finished the test model and I am quite pleased with the overall look. The increased amount of turquoise makes them look exotic even amongst the other Eldar. I also started with the next two Harlequins (armed with Fusion Pistols) and did the red clothing.

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Next up: Harlequins

So after finishing my Scout squad some Eldar love again. I own 10 Harlequins (the box, a Death Jester and Shadowseer and a blister of Harlequins with Kisses) and decided to paint them in two steps. I built the first five and had some problems…

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40k, Showcase

Finished Ultramarine Scouts Showcase

Some high quality pictures of my just finished Scout squad. I’m quite pleased with them. The converted heads, drawn from various Space Marine sprues as well as from the Baneblade sprue, improve the models vastly in my opinion. I think I also did a good…

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Shotgun Scouts finally done

The second batch of the Scout squad is finally done. My motivation was a bit low to the end, but I’m quite pleased with the result nevertheless. I’m going to varnish the whole squad tomorrow, a showcase with high quality pictures will probably follow on…

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Scouts… almost there

I’m almost finished, just missing some final details and touch ups, as well as freehanding the chapter symbol. I’m looking forward to finish them tomorrow and to start something new this weekend. The second batch of the Scouts was a long haul.

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