40k, Editorial

Courage and Honour

So with all the Eldar goodness coming along, what does the future hold for my Ultramarines? I will paint the already shown Scout Squad after I finish the Wave Serpent, along with classic Marneus Calgar. Power armoured Marneus was one of the first UM models…

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Wave Serpent WIP

Further progress on the Wave Serpent hull. The first layer of highlighting on the red is done, I painted the canopy and started to highlight the black. I will do the second highlight for the red parts at the end, as it will allow me…

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40k, Showcase

Banshees Showcase

High quality pictures of my finished Banshee squad. I think they turned out ok on an army level. However I am not fully satisfied with them. This is because the body would have really benefitted from a two step highlighting instead of a single white…

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Wave Serpent: Painting started

Started work on the top hull part of the Wave Serpent. Highlights are applied by hand, so the model will take some time to finish. Unlike my Falcon, I used proper masking tape from Tamiya this time. Nevertheless, applying the pattern to the cockpit area…

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Ultramarine Scout Squad with alternate heads built

Building my shotgun armed Scout squad is finished. They just need some basing. I think they turned out great and the models look so much better with the alternate heads. I used regular Marine heads and carefully shaved off the neck, service studs and cables….

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On the Station April 30

With the Exarch and the last Banshee the Banshee squad is finally done (except for varnish, obviously). Professionally lit photography will probably follow sunday. I’m waiting for good weather for varnishing though. Next up for this weekend will be the building of a wave serpant,…

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