Fire Prism lower hull painted
I did a lot of priming and varnishing today. I also painted the lower hull, which is my favourite part of the model to paint because for the sake of my own sanity I just drybrush it.
Converted plastic Fire Prism
This is my version of the main Eldar battle tank. I wasn’t really sold on the long barreled prism cannon, so I did this “old school” conversion. I think the proportions are sleeker that way. I cut the barrel away and shortened the front crystal…
Farseer Conversions
Today I built and converted two Farseers and a Warlock, which involved a lot of sanding, pinning and green stuffing. In order to make the Farseer models more consistent with their codex entry, I removed the hand with the Shuriken Pistol from the Farseer with…
Second Guardian Defenders squad finished!
As promised on Saturday, here is the Weapon platform and its operator. These are the last remaining models of the second Guardian squad (I’m going to use my Bonesinger as a Spiritseer but maybe I will paint a regular Warlock for them at a later…
Guardian and Weapon Platform, most of the work done
I did a lot of painting today, finished the red armour and painted the wraithbone parts as well. I plan to get them done on Monday. I have to catch up a lot painting-wise.
Eldar Guardian Weapon Platform WIP
After a long hiatus I picked up the brush again and started highlighting the platform and its crew. I plan to come back into painting with full force next week.
Shot of my whole Ultramarines army
As promised on Tuesday, I took a picture of my Ultramarines as well. Unfortunately there are a lot of shadows, but it is a bit sharper than the last army shot I took and you can see recent additions like the Shotgun Scouts or the…
Saim-Hann army shot
I borrowed a SLR from a friend as I had to take some pictures for a real life project. While I had the setup, I took some better full army shots of my Eldar and Ultramarines. There are some nasty shadows and I am by…
Eldar Weapon Platform and Guardian Crew
I started work on the Weapon Platform and the last Guardian Defender. I finished the base of the platform and did the shading of the red parts. The Guardian needs to be tidied up though.
Guardians, third batch done!
I finally finished the third batch of my second Guardian Defender squad. It took like ages! Must admit, my motivation for Eldar is a bit low at the moment, real life keeps me very busy and with all the Island of Blood craze I’m pumped…
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