
Preparing Eldar Guardians

I’ve spent the last days preparing the remaining members of the Guardian squad I started while painting the Venerable Dreadnought. As in my first Guardian Defender squad there will be tenEldar, a Warlock and a Weapon Platform. I’ve assembled the models that weren’t yet, sanded…

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Venerable Dreadnought finished

I finished the Venerable Dreadnought yesterday. Thought it might be cool to put him next to my old regular Dreadnought. I’m going to varnish him pretty soon and of course there will be a high quality showcase in the near future. Next up is the…

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Venerable Dreadnought body complete

Finished the hull and glued the Dreadnought together. I’m moving now to the arms. Painting is very exhausting at the moment because it’s really hot in Germany. My fellow readers from the US may laugh about temperatures of 30 °C (86 °F) but it makes…

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Venerable Dreadnought… again

Before I’m going to paint more Eldar Guardians I’m going back to my Ultramarines Venerable Dreadnought. I’m currently working on the main hull.

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Eldar Guardian Batch finished

I’m back at home and finished the three Guardians I took to my parents. After this little Eldar intermezzo I’m going to continue work on the Venerable Dreadnought. After the Dreadnought there will be seven more Guardians, a weapon platform and a Warlock of course.

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Eldar Guardians almost finished

I’ve worked on them like mad in the last few days, and they are almost done except for some mistakes that need to be corrected and the rim of the base. I’m still at my parents’ house, so sorry for the bad picture quality. You…

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Some Eldar Guardians

Sorry for the lack of updates, but I’m staying at my parents this week. However I took paints, brushes and some Guardians with me 🙂 So far I painted the bases and shaded the armour on this batch.

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