
On the Station April 30

With the Exarch and the last Banshee the Banshee squad is finally done (except for varnish, obviously). Professionally lit photography will probably follow sunday. I’m waiting for good weather for varnishing though. Next up for this weekend will be the building of a wave serpant,…

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40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: Vostroyans

This is a comprehensive tutorial of how I painted my squad of Vostroyans including all colours I used. Thought it might be useful for those who like my paint scheme. 1. Prime the mini black. Paint the texture of the sand Charadon Granite, drybrush with…

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On the Station April 23

The first bunch of Banshees is finally done (except of varnish). I also started work on the Exarch and the final Banshee. Note the Space Marine helmet on the Exarch’s base – I used the same technique as on the Dire Avengers’ armour. I think…

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On the Station April 21

Further progress on the Banshees. Black areas and swords are done. Left to do are the purple bracelets, the details on the sword, base and a lot of mistakes that need to be corrected. And I mean a lot. A little hint: Don’t use Citadel…

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On the Station April 15

Progress is coming slow with the Banshees. Shading the armour the cleaning up ate time. And there is a lot of detail work yet to come… On the far right you can see the finished test model for the squad.

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Vostroyans

Finally, high quality pictures of the Vostroyan Squad I painted. Click for higher resolution. Vostroyans were released as some kind of poster boys for the Cities of Death expansion for Warhammer 40.000. As a result of the “shiney new toy syndrome” I bought the battleforce…

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On the Station April 11

Work ist done for the Vostroyan squad. These are the finished 3 lasgunners, they only need some varnish. Once I get around that, I will do some HQ pictures of the whole squad and some closeups. Should be due next week. I also started with…

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