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Some high quality pictures of my just finished Scout squad. I’m quite pleased with them. The converted heads, drawn from various Space Marine sprues as well as from the Baneblade sprue, improve the models vastly in my opinion. I think I also did a good job with the faces paintingwise. Last but not least, you see Scouts very rarely armed with Shotguns. I think it looks badass 😉
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
The head swaps worked wonders. I still have no idea how GW managed to mould those godawful heads for these miniatures!
Those are really fantastic!
Very well done! Your faces are excellent and add a huge amount of flavor to these models! Consider me a new fan of your work.
Great work! I need to paint some faces on my marines soon and I hope I can get them to look as good as yours 🙂
Gefällt! Vor allem der Tausch der Köpfe wirkt schick.
Plus you can make cool reloading sounds in the shooting phase 😉
Thanks for all the kind comments 🙂
P.S. You're right about those shotguns!
These look great. I've always liked the scout models, but I didn't like the heads either. Your swap has made a big difference. Like the others have said, the skin work is very well done.
Incredibly nice.
Awesome work. The faces are absolutely great! Consider yourself followed!
Very nice!
They look really like they want to kick some asses. 😉
Really nice Paintjob!
The faces are excellent!