40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ecclesiarchy Ministorum Guard Conversions

Hi all! Here I have a completed Ecclesiarchy Ministorum Guard Captain and Sergeant which will accompany my Ministorum themed Imperial Knight. Some individual shots after the jump… For the Captain I used a Tempestus Prime in combination with a head from the AoS Free People. …

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WIP: Death Guard Apostles of Contagion #4

… and another batch of WIP minis! I’m aware that these look pretty finished, but there’s so much detail on the guys which still requires some more attention. You know what GW models are like. But I’m rather positive that the guys will be finished…

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WIP: Death Guard Apostles of Contagion #3

Time for some character WIPs! Lord of Contagion, Necrosius, Foul Blight Spawn (what a fun model that one is) and a Plague Surgeon! Shows rather well the insane scale creep with Marines lately if you see the chaps standing next to Necrosius.

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ultramarines Stormtalon Conversion

This Stormtalon was originally painted in 2014, before the Stormhawk Interceptor was released. I wasn’t happy with the front-heavy design, so I streamlined its Silhouette a little bit. Nowadays I probably would have just bought a Stormhawk. Despite its rather recent paint job, I still…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ultramarines Drop Pod

I haven’t posted in a while but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t busy working on my remaining older Ultramarines paint jobs. Here we have a Drop Pod for my recently reworked Sternguard Veterans. Apart from some sponge weathering, I also added scorch marks and burn…

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