Hey everyone, Silvernome here back with more Chaos Legion goodness. I wanted to start sharing some of my Death Guard force.
Before 8th edition was released, my girlfriend got me a Leviathan Dreadnought for my birthday. Even though I wasn’t able to use it in my 40k games, it was love at first site. Forge World did such an amazing job on the kit. It was such a pleasure to build and paint. I even magnetized the arms so I could run different weapon loadouts if I ever picked up and played 30k.
Flash forward a year or so and Games Workshop released 8th edition of Warhammer 40,000. The real treat for me was to see I could now use this amazing walking beast in my games. Heck, I could run more than one. So, I picked up two more! The only difference this time around was that I skipped out on adding the missile pod to the top carapace and Chaos doesn’t have the option to use them and I decided to glue on the chest flamers, again because Chaos only has the one option.
All three are featuring my pre-heresy white and green theme. I plan to make a tutorial soon but for those wondering on the painting scheme:
White: Terminatus Stone (GW Air) with a top-down highlight of White (Vallejo)
Green: Death World Forest (GW Air), with a top-down highlight of Dead Flesh (Vallejo)
I sponge on Dyrad Bark (GW) and give the entire kit a Satin Varnish coat.
I used AK Interactive Streaking Grime as an all-over wash.
I can’t praise Forge World enough with this kit. If you’ve been wanting to add a Dread to your list, look no further!
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Stunning work!
Love that model <3
Thanks so much, glad you like them. Yeah, by far one of my favorite kits to work with.