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Heyhey, after a whole lot of Polish lancers and right before getting started on some more Harlequins I’ll see that I get a bit of a head start on some Orks. First: 64 Stormboyz. I split them into two batches of 32 to make it more manageable, here’s a WIP shot of the first batch. Hope you like them and that I get them done swiftly and to a satisfying finish. 🙂
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Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios. As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
Realy nice!
But didn't you write something about Gretchin where next?
I lied. >:D
Frankly, I got all the new models out, put them on my desk, realized my desk wasn't large enough for them all, filled another desk with Orks-to-paint and decided to tackle the most daunting mob first. I got my set recipe for how to do Orks for this project, so I'm able to get these done relatively quickly as opposed to the Gretchins which were requested to be done with an extra dose of love and attention, as the Gretchins are particularly close to the customer's heart.
I decided I could do that better if I don't have 100+ Boyz breathing down my neck. Once those are done I can go and do lovely things with those Gretchins.
Not sure if this makes any sense, but it's my approach and the way I do things I believe it works. Get the stuff which is familiar, work-intensive and with a tried and tested road map out of the way, do the artsy fartsy experiment-y stuff which requires additional testing and R&D and whatnot once all the by-the-numbers stuff is done. 🙂
Not to say I dislike them boyz, but those are the ones I'm familiar with and for whom I got a recipe already which worked on the past ~200 dudes. Then I got enough breathing space to work out how to make these Gretchins special.
Awesome as ever mate
Thank you, anonymous felicitator! 😀