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Today we have another rework of one of my older Ultramarines squads. These metal Scouts with sniper rifles were amongst the oldest models from my collection (painted around 2009), so there was quite a bit of repainting needed to bring them up to scratch. Check out before and after – after the jump.

This is the original squad – photographed on an old camera, so the colours are off. I refined all highlights, changed a couple of details for more consistency with my newer paint jobs, and added insignia and static grass.

I must say the original 2nd Edition metal Scout models have aged quite well. Sculpted by mastermind Jes Goodwin himself, they have modern proportions and a good amount of detail. Sadly there were only two different sculpts for sniper rifles. The Scout with missile launcher was added later to the range, sometimes during 3rd Edition as far as I remember, and wasn’t sculpted by Jes, so his sculpt isn’t as good, but nevermind.

Do you have a soft spot for the classic metals Scouts as well? Tell me in the comments.