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Who would believe it, I’ve finally finished my Scourges! About seven weeks for just five models, why oh why did it take so long. The longer it takes to paint a model, the more I hate it, but in the end, the result is quite pleasing. Now they only need a healthy dose of varnish and they are ready for a proper photo shoot. Stay tuned for high quality group pictures of the whole lot later this week.
What do you think of the models? By the way, next up is a Venom, which I already started basecoating and airbrushing. More about the Venom in my next post.
What’s your Reaction?
Stahly lives in Craftworld Hamburg, located in the north of Germany. He has been involved with Warhammer since childhood and has painted several armies and countless warbands and kill teams over the decades. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's writing tutorials and testing the latest miniature paints, hobby tools and kits. He founded Tale of Painters to pass on his knowledge and bring inspiration to your hobby.
Thanks for your comments guys!
I'm using Genius Pro Seidenmatt Lack from Toom, a german hardware store. It's their own brand, so you will get it only in Germany.
Would be interested to know what type and brand of varnish you use.
So clean! I like the consistent color palette throughout the army.
Will the new Eldar units be a distraction for you? I certainly hope so, I'd love to see you tackle the new Wraithguard or even the Wraithknight!
I just preordered the Wraithguard, I'm not a big fan of the Wraithknight and the new flyers. In my opinion, they didn't really nailed the Eldar aesthetics with them. The latest Eldar models from Forgeworld were much better in this regard. But I heard Garfy is picking up a Wraithknight, he just loves huge models 😉
Very nice scheme, I'm going to do a very similar armour colour on my DE when I get round to making a start on them.
Love the turquoise/blue contast colour.
I really like the Scrouge minis as well, just a pity I've not really got room for them in my army.
They are looking damn hot. The vials are my favorite part. What varnish do you use? Is that a protection thing, or do you like the effect it has?
Completely relate…the longer a model sits on my painting desk, the less likely I am to get to it any time soon.
These look awesome! As said before I really dig your color scheme.
And I am completely with you on extended periods spent on the same models… I just tend to drift into other projects and have to force myself to continue.
Keep it up as from a spectator standpoint its well worth the wait 😉
They do look great, looking forward to the pic of the unit all together.