40k, Showcase

Showcase: Tyranid Tyrannofex

Hey all, hope you are all well. Today I am showing something completely different. That being a model not by me, but my wife. A Tyranid Tyrannofex. She painted this years ago when she first started collecting Tyranids and playing. I was quite proud of…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Adeptus Custodes Trajann Valoris

Hi there, Rich back again and this time with something that doesn’t have a goblin green base! Thats right, I’ve been working on something distinctly contemporary, Trajann Valoris to be exact. He’s actually a test model for a small contingent of Adeptus Custodes I plan…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Raven Guard

And we’re done here. Ten Scouts, a Lieutenant, and a banner bearer. I enjoy painting Space Marines a whole lot. Good stuff. If you want me to paint your Space Marines just contact me.

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WIP: Raven Guard

Some more 40k stuff I’m currently working on – Raven Guard! It’s for the same army I’ve been working on on and off since 2014. It’s a cool little raiding force consisting mostly of several squads of Scouts, a squad of Assault Marines, a Contemptor…

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WIP: Adeptus Ministorum themed Imperial Knight

Hi all! Today I would like to show you my current project: An Imperial Knight of the Adeptus Ministorum. I used a small building from Morr’s Garden and parts of the Imperial Sector structures to create a unique machine. I will intergrate Redemptor Kyrinov, an…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Aeldari Harlequins Troupe

 Heyhey, here are the all finished Harlequins! Very interesting project. From finally getting my hands on the new plastic Harlequins to …well, painting Harlequins at all. And the way they’re supposed to be painted as well. Sure, I did curse quite a bit at them…

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