
Showcase: UItramarines Hunter

Quick post today with a Ultramarines Hunter vehicle. I really enjoyed working on this as its quite a simple model compared to a lot of the more detailed models coming out these days. It was refreshing break. I used a lot of the techniques for…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Space Wolves Long Fangs by ComradeQuiche

ComradeQuiche here with a revisit of my Space Wolves army! Today I have a pack of Long Fangs, with Missile Launchers. I felt that the stock missile launchers themselves were a little lacklustre and not very wolf-y, so I decided to add some flair by…

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WIP: Dark Eldar Raider

Hey all, today I’m showing a WIP of a Dark Eldar Raider. This is part of a small Dark Eldar army that I am working on. The colours chosen for this army are cold blue and royal purple. I think its a good combination. What…

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WIP: Ultramarines Primaris Ancient #3

Quick update today as I squeeze a few minutes painting in at t0he start of my Sunday. I need to make a concerted effort to finish this model in the next couple of days. I just have fine edge highlights and freehand left to do.

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