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Hey all, today I am showing some Forge World Imperial Jetbikes that I worked on the same time as the Forge World Outriders that I posted a few days ago. The Jetbikes sort of shocked me when I first put them together as they are actually quite big. I’m quite a big fan of them after having worked on them. I will try and get some sort of tutorial up in the coming weeks as I know a few of you asked. Upcoming next I shall be bringing Warriors of Chaos models to Tale of Painters. What do you think?
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ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
These look awesome! I'd love to know how you got the colour scheme and weathering to look like this! The yellow is really nice without looking like a canary 😉
Oh, those are nice. Looks like yellow suits your style too.
Awesome as always 🙂
Tutorials on how you achieve your painting style would be great!
Loving it. Working on some Imperial Fists myself at the moment.
These are fantastic. Keep up the good work.