Sickly green skin is a characteristic feature of models such as Servitors, Deadwalker Zombies, Namarti Thralls, Nurglings, or Crypt Ghouls. In this easy to follow tutorial you’ll learn about the recipe I used for my Skitarii Rangers.

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Tutorial: How to paint ghoulish Servitor / Crypt Ghoul skin featured image

This tutorial assumes you have a good understanding of how to paint Warhammer miniatures. Underneath each picture is the corresponding instruction. Each step shows the paint(s) I used. I have a rather eclectic paint collection, so when I use a paint that’s not from Games Workshop or out of production, I’ll try to provide you with suitable alternatives from the current Citadel paint range [in brackets]. However, if you want to achieve the exact same result as shown, you might want to expand your paint collection with the specific colour. You’ll find a list of all the paints used in this tutorial at the end of the post.

How to paint sickly green Servitor / Deadwalker Zombie skin

Tutorial: How to paint ghoulish Servitor / Crypt Ghoul skin step 1

Basecoat the skin with Ionrach Skin.

Tutorial: How to paint ghoulish Servitor / Crypt Ghoul skin step 2

Mix Drakenhof Nightshade with the same amount of Contrast Medium and apply it all over as a subtle wash. Use a spare brush to soak up excess wash so it won’t pool up too much.

Tutorial: How to paint ghoulish Servitor / Crypt Ghoul skin step 3

Paint the eye sockets with The Army Painter Warpaints Matt Black [Abaddon Black] and add two white dots to the corners of the eye.

If you have trouble painting eyes, check out my technique in the tutorial below. I find it much easier than most of the other painting guides I’ve seen.

Tutorial: How to paint ghoulish Servitor / Crypt Ghoul skin step 4

Layer Ionrach Skin on the skin, ommitting the blue-tinted recesses.

Tutorial: How to paint ghoulish Servitor / Crypt Ghoul skin step 5

Finally, pick out the most prominent features (such as the brows, nose, mouth, cheekbones, ellbows, knuckles, veins) with Deepkin Flesh.

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And there we have the sickly green skin effect, as seen on the Skitarii on the right, but perfect for all sorts of models such as Servitors, Namarti Thralls, Nurglings, Flesh-Eater courts, you name it.

Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team Skitarii Vanguard front

Paints you will need for this tutorial:

If you need to expand your paint collection to follow the tutorial, check out our partner stores Wayland Games and Element Games, which offer an amazing range of paints at a discount.

Garfy used a different approach of painting the rotten skin of his Deadwalker Zombies, make sure to check out his tutorial, too:

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If so, leave a comment or reaction below, and if you got any questions, leave them here so I can answer them for you.