
WIP: Ultramarines Assault Squad #4

Batch two is complete, next up is the guy with the flamer on the right. His arms and weapon come from the Sternguard sprue to add some variety to the squad. Also, check out the Marine with the bionic head and arm, he’ll be the squad’s…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Death Guard Typhus

Hi all! Is everyone excited about the new Death Guard models? Meanwhile, I found my old Typhus model. It’s the really old metal one. I rebased and repainted him in my new colour scheme so that he will fit into my Armies on Parade entry. What…

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WIP: Ultramarines Assault Squad #3

Some progress on the second batch of Assault Marines. Painting goes slow at the moment, it’s summer after all. The two models on the left are almost complete, just need their base trims painted and transfers and static grass added, the one on the right…

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