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Some progress on the second batch of Assault Marines. Painting goes slow at the moment, it’s summer after all. The two models on the left are almost complete, just need their base trims painted and transfers and static grass added, the one on the right is still WIP. How is your hobby going this summer?
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Stahly lives in Craftworld Hamburg, located in the north of Germany. He has been involved with Warhammer since childhood and has painted several armies and countless warbands and kill teams over the decades. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's writing tutorials and testing the latest miniature paints, hobby tools and kits. He founded Tale of Painters to pass on his knowledge and bring inspiration to your hobby.
Very nice mate. You're grinding through the repaints. As for my painting I've completed two models from the Dark Imperium set. It's very very slow going.
I'd never really thought about painting seasons before, but this makes sense. It's winter where I am (Australia) and I've been so productive. Summer is always more difficult as the paint dries as soon as you get it on the palette…
Love that helmet in the middle too!
Yeah – the 40 degree Aussie summers don't help 🙂 wet palettes ftw.