
WIP: Ultramarines Marneus Calgar in Power Armour #1

While I’m putting the last finishing touches to my Devastator Squad, I prepared the next model to be reworked: the classic Jes Goodwin Marneus Calgar in Power Armour sculpt. Apart from the paint job I’ll refine, I also added a new scenic 32mm base and…

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WIP: Ultramarines Devastator Squad #5

Slow but steady progress on my Devastator Squad. The repainting of the three models on the left is complete, they just need their decals fixed and some static grass. The Marine on the right is a really  old model from the 4th Edition starter set, I…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ultramarines Primaris Lieutenant by Aurélie

Hi all, it’s Aurélie. Today I present one of the Primaris Lieutenants from the Dark Imperium starter set. Lovely, straightforward model to paint. I chose a bright, eye-catching blue and a simple paint scheme to make him stand out on the battlefield. The model is mounted…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Death Guard Plague Marines

The carnival of Nurgle continues… Here are the first three Death Guard Plague Marines I finished recently. You may recognise that the one in the middle is from the new Easy to Build set. Great models! What do you think? Leave a comment below…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Eldar Tantalus

Yeah I know, it needs a bigger base. But this was the base that came with the Forge World Dark Eldar Tantalus that I painted many years ago. I always thought it was funny. Luckily enough for the owner, I did actually grab a flying…

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