I’m taking a short break from painting Eldar models and add a new toy to my Ultramarines. I heard Thunderfire Cannons have become quite a popular choice, and I don’t have a Techmarine in my collection yet. So I got my hands on the model, I think it shouldn’t be too difficult to paint as it mainly consists of metal areas.
Assembling the cannon wasn’t an as horrible experience as some people make it to be. However, it was tedious, and some of the thinner resin pieces of the Techmarine snapped. I tried my best to repair these parts but it wasn’t always possible, a bummer really. I hope it won’t detract from the finished model too much. Notice the custom base I built from a 60 mm base I sawed in two halves, two 20 mm bases and plasticard and green stuff to fill the gaps. The base adds more stability and as bikes come on bases nowadays, too, it just feels right to put the cannon on a base as well.
What do you think? Has anyone assembled a Thunderfire cannon here? What was your experience?
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I have assembled a metal thunderfire cannon and I can tell you it was absolute hell.
The reason being that the pieces just didn't fit together, I had to manipulate the metal into various strange positions to get the pieces to even stay together. Another problem with the metal tehmarine is that all the arms are to heavy to be held by the tiny little joints on the back pack and so the just fall off.
I can understand that with finecast it would be much easier to trim the bits that don't fit. Glad to hear that yours works alright. Also loving the custom base. In the next post could you show and underside shot so I can see the inner workings of your genius, as I am thing of doing the same with mine so it doesn't fall apart.