Paints & tools, Reviews

Review: TTCombat Paints & Washes

TTCombat paint and washes unboxing and review

It doesn’t get boring on the miniature paint market! Among the recent arrivals of new paint ranges, TTCombat (renowned for their MDF terrain and games like Dropzone Commander and Carnevale) has joined the fray by introducing a brand-new line of paints through a Kickstarter campaign. With an extensive collection of 72 colours and washes, these paints are promoted as being exceptionally high-quality and opaque, particularly their metallic range. In this honest review, I’ll determine if these claims hold true.

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Paints & tools, Reviews

Review: Warcolours Nostalgia 94 paints

The colours from the Nostalgia 94 starter set from Warcolours on a blue gradient

Oldhammer fans rejoice, you can now paint like it’s 1994 again! Warcolours’ Nostalgia 94 range is designed to recreate the colours and feeling of the Citadel paint range of the late 90s. Since then, miniature paints have made quite some progress, so I’m curious whether nostalgia paints can keep up with modern paint ranges or not.

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Paints & tools, Reviews

Review: The Army Painter Speedpaint 2.0 – finally fixed?

Photo of the Speedpaint Mega Set 2.0

Speedpaints are loved by some for their unique blending properties. Others hate that the paints reactivate and bleed through subsequent layers of paint. The Army Painter were faced with the difficult task of satisfying both camps and sought the help of three of YouTube’s most popular hobby channels. Is the new 2.0 formula a solid improvement or the worst of both worlds? And are the metallic Speedpaints as underwhelming as some of the promo shots make them to be? I’ll find out in this hands-on Speedpaint 2.0 review.

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Paints & tools, Product Guides

Stahly’s best nippers & sprue cutters for Warhammer & scale modelling

Stahly's best nippers & sprue cutters for Warhammer miniatures & scale modelling

Are you one of those who have been using the same old sprue cutter for years? Maybe a starter set Citadel cutter, a cheap pair of The Army Painter nippers or a no-name product from the hardware store? I plead guilty. When I finally invested in a higher-quality sprue cutter the difference was like night and day. In this post, I share my best nippers & sprue cutters that I have tested over the past few years.

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Paints & tools, Reviews

Review: Everlasting Wet Palette 2 Painter

Everlasting Wet Palette Painter V2 from Redgrass Games, packaging

Redgrass Games have revamped their popular Everlasting Wet Palette thanks to Kickstarter and now offer the Painter V2 and Studio XL V2, with an improved seal, more painting surface, and innovative reusable painting membranes. Do you need this if you already have the old palettes? We find out in this review.

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Paints & tools, Reviews

Review: New Vallejo Game Color range – now for pro painters only?

New Vallejo Game Color review featured image

With the help of painting legend Angel Giraldez, Vallejo not only changed but reinvented their venerable Game Color paint range. A more matt finish, better pigmentation, lots of new colours, but also a lot of old colours gone or changed. I’m afraid whether the new Game Color formula is really an improvement, or only catering to pro painters like Angel while neglecting the needs of us more average painters. Was the old Game Color range really so bad it needed to be redone from scratch? I answer this question and more in my review of the complete new Vallejo Game Color range.

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