Review: Kill Team: Octarius starter set (first impressions & unboxing)
Saturday. We received the enormous box set early and take a look at all of its components, including the new Death Korps and Ork Kommando models, and the Ork scrap town terrain pieces. We’ll share our initial impressions of the new edition of Kill Team and give you a glimpse of all the Kill Team related tutorials we’ve planned for the coming days and weeks.
Review: Citadel Colours Orruk Flesh, Thondia Brown & Hobgrot Hide
It has become a habit to support major miniature releases with a few complimentary Citadel Colours. For the new Kruleboyz faction introduced with the Age of Sigmar Dominion box set, Games Workshop came up with three new base paints: Orruk Flesh for painting light green skin, Thondia Brown for ragged leather hides, and Hobgrot Hide for sulphoric yellow skin. In this post, we take a look at each of the new paints and compare them to similar Citadel paints in a handy hand painted chart.
Review: Paint Blitzer by Unto the Breach Hobbies – the best paint stripper on the market?
Today we’ll review Mr. Mark Setter and Softer NEO from Japanese scale modelling brand Mr. Hobby, a two-product solution for perfectly conformed decals with a “painted on” look. Can these products affix a chapter icon to a curved shoulder pad with no wrinkles or bubbles? And how will they compare to Microsol from Microscale? Find out more in this review.
Review: AOS3 Age of Sigmar Dominion box set (Unboxing)
Dominion is the brand new launch set from Games Workshop pitting the fearless Stormcast Eternals in their new Thunderstrike armour against the hordes of Kruleboyz. Today I rip open the cellophane, plop the lid off and delve into the box and share with you sprue pics, warscrolls, size comparisons and more!
Review: Citadel STC Synthetic Brushes (first look)
Today on the blog I take an initial look at the new Citadel STC synthetic range of brushes from Games Workshop. I’ve been using these for a week and I’ve painted 4 models with them.
Review: Reusable hydration membranes from the Everlasting Wet Palette 2 Kickstarter
On May 20 2021, Redgrass Games introduced their redesigned Everlasting Wet Palette 2 on Kickstarter, including a new patent-protected hydration membrane that can be cleaned and reused up to 10 times! In this review, we’ll take a look if the new membrane lives up to the hype.
Review: Mr. Mark Setter & Softer NEO – better than Microsol?
Today we’ll review Mr. Mark Setter and Softer NEO from Japanese scale modelling brand Mr. Hobby, a two-product solution for perfectly conformed decals with a “painted on” look. Can these products affix a chapter icon to a curved shoulder pad with no wrinkles or bubbles? And how will they compare to Microsol from Microscale? Find out more in this review.
Review: Zombicide 2nd Edition Paint Set by The Army Painter
The Army Painter is about to release a new Zombicide branded starter paint set, including no less than 20 acrylic Warpaints with an interesting selection of metallics, muted browns and beiges, three different washes, and two blood effect paints. In this review, we’ll find out if this set makes a good purchase to expand your paint collection – even if you’re not interested in Zombicide.
Review: Warhammer Quest Cursed City
In this post, I’m sharing my unboxing video and written review of Warhammer Quest Cursed City. I’ll be looking in detail at the contents of the box including the books, the models as well as the gameplay and if it’s value for money.
Review: Bolter muzzle-flashes by Tablehammer
Want to add cinematic effects to your miniatures? Check out the 3D-printed muzzle-flashes by, an upstarting 3D printing company based in Germany. Find out more after the jump.