The Gallowdark season of Kill Team comes to an epic (?) conclusion with the fourth and final expansion box. In our Kill Team: Gallowfall review, we’ll take a closer look at both the Fellgor Ravagers and Hearthkyn Salvagers teams, plus the new terrain and content in the Gallowfall rulebook.

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Kill Team: Gallowfall review & unboxing
This item was kindly provided by Games Workshop. Thoughts and opinions are our own.

The Kill Team: Gallowfall box will be available for preorder starting Saturday, May 6, 2023, and go on sale one week after. The big Kill Team expansion boxes are usually only available while stocks last, followed by individual releases of the components of the box later on.

Inside the Kill Team: Gallowfall box, you’ll find the following:

  • 10 Hearthkyn Salvagers (the existing Hearthkyn Warriors with a new upgrade sprue)
  • 10 Fellgor Ravagers
  • a set of Gallowdark terrain (six sprues, as in previous boxes)
  • 18 new terrain piece such as escape pods, surgical chairs, and medical equipment
  • a Gallowdark gaming board (same design as in Kill Team: Soulshackle)
  • a 120 pages Gallowfall rulebook, plus an assembly guide
  • a Leagues of Votann transfer sheet

Fellgore Ravagers review

Beastmen, and Chaos Beastment in particular, have been a fixture of Warhammer 40k lore since Rogue Trader days. Yet it took until Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress to get some actual models for them. Now, thanks to Kill Team, we are treated with a full set of these feral abhumans.

What’s interesting is that the Fellgor Ravagers come on two medium size sprues, which build a ten model squad with basic wargear only, plus a small upgrade sprue that has all the parts for the Kill Team specific operatives. The base size is 32mm across the board.

Fellgor Ravagers main sprues
Fellgor Ravagers main sprues

On the main sprues, you’ll find:

  • 10 different bodies
  • 15 different interchangeable heads, plus 15 different horns that are interchangeable with the heads
  • enough arms to build all models with close combat weapons and autopistols
  • a boltpistol and plasma pistol arm for the Fellgor Ironhorn (the unit champion), as well as an extra loincloth piece
  • a double-handed mancrusher close combat weapon for the Fellgor Vandal
Fellgor Ravagers Kill Team upgrade sprue
Fellgor Ravagers Kill Team upgrade sprue

The upgrade sprue has the following bitz:

  • an extra head and arm with a whip to build a Herd-goad
  • an extra head and power axe arm to build a Gorehorn
  • an extra head and pair of arms with a staff to build a Shaman
  • an extra head and pair of arms with a gong to build a Deathknell
  • an extra head and mutated pair of arms to build a Mangler
  • an extra head and bionic fist to build a Gnarlscar
  • an extra head, pair of arms, and some grenades to build a Toxhorn
  • an extra head and a triplet of arms to build a Fluxbray

The Fellgor Ravagars are really wicked models and stand as tall as a Primaris Marine. The details are on point and the poses are well-captured. With the interchangeable heads, horns, and extras from the add-on sprue, they have a lot of assembly options. However, like most recent infantry kits, the bodies are monopose and each pair of arms (and each set of Kill Team operative upgrade bits) only fits one particular body.

Hearthkyn Salvagers review

The Hearthkyn Salvagers Kill Team is based on the Hearthkyn Warriors set, whose three sprues already come with loads of options. We covered this kit in our Leagues of Votann army set review, so go check this out here. In today’s review, we take a closer look at the new upgrade sprue, which has the following:

  • a new head and pair of arms to build a Hearthkyn Gunner with the new HYLas rotary cannon
  • a new head and pair of arms to build a Dôzr with concussion knux knuckle dusters
  • a new head, arm, and backpack to build a Lugger
  • a new head, pair of arms, and grenades to build a Grenadier
  • a new head, arm with an axe, leg piece, and jump pack to build a Jump Pack Warrior
  • a new head and pair of arms to build an Ironkin Kognitâar
Hearthkyn Savagers Kill Team upgrade sprue
Hearthkyn Savagers Kill Team upgrade sprue

As I’ve mentioned, the basic Hearthkyn Warriors kit has plenty of options already. Together with the new upgrade sprue, you can choose between very many different types of operatives. (11 in total). For whatever reason, however, even in Kill Team you cannot give regular Hearthkyn Warriors pistols and melee weapons, even though the kit is full of them.

By the way, if you’re looking to replicate the Trans-hyperion Alliance paint scheme from the box art, then check out our free tutorial here:

Gallowfall terrain review

Kill Team: Garrowfall comes with the same six sprues of Space Hulk walls and doors as the previous three boxes of the Gallowdark season (three unique sprues each included twice). Check our Kill Team: Into the Dark review for details such as measurements of the individual wall pieces. The gaming board is the same as in Kill Team: Shadowvaults and has a slightly different design from the boards in the first two sets.

New is a large sprue that builds four escape pods, a surgical chair, and autopsy table, a roller container, and three interconnected stasis tanks. This sprue is included twice, so you get everything times two. I feel that the medical equipment will be show up in quite a few future dioramas.

New terrain sprue of Kill Team: Gallowdark review
The new terrain sprue, included twice

Gallowfall rulebook review

The enclosed expansion book follows the scheme of the previous books. On over 120 pages you will learn how the ongoing narrative of the Gallowdark season concludes, and find new lore and rules for both new Kill Teams. The rules for battles within the Gallowdark confines are reprinted, and there is a new small Killzone: Gallowfall expansion that covers the new terrain pieces in the box.

Contents of the Kill Team: Gallowfall box
© Copyright Games Workshop Limited, used without permission.

As usually, there are two mission packs, the new narrative Shadow Operatives: Gallowfall mission pack, and the nine matched play Critical Operations: Gallowdark missions which are reprinted in each book of the Gallowdark season.

Here at Tale of Painters, it’s all about painting and collecting, so we’ll leave the analysis of the new Kill Teams to those who have more experience with playing the game. What I would not have thought, however, is that both the Fellgore Ravagers and the Hearthkyn Salvagers are 10 operative Kill Teams, like most human Kill Teams.


Kill Team: Gallowfall sticks to the established price point of £110 / 145 € / $185. For those who have not yet dared to enter the Gallowdark setting, you will find everything you need to play in one box (except a copy of the core rules, of course). With two Kill Team boxes, you also have enough boards and terrain to play Warhammer 40k Boarding Patrols games. Beyond that, however, there is little reason to buy more Kill Team boxes, as the terrain is always the same except for a new expansion sprue. I would have liked to see more variety. I hope that this will be better in the next season, which follows in autumn after the narrative Ashes of Faith box.

Unfortunately, I have heard from Taschengelddieb that only very limited quantities of the Kill Team: Gallowfall box will be available. So, it’s fair to assume that like the two previous boxes, Gallowfall will sell out extremely quickly – so check directly at our partner stores Wayland GamesElement Games, Firestorm Games, and Taschengelddieb, and try to grab a discount of up to 20% over RRP before it’s sold out.

I hope you found this review helpful, feel free to leave a reaction or comment below, or post your questions here or discuss on our Discord channel.



  • Fellgor Ravagers look amazing and have quite a few options
  • New upgrade sprue for the Hearthkyn Warriors
  • New terrain sprue with medical equipment that sure will be popular
  • 9 nine narrative missions


  • The same six sprues of walls and doors once again

Final Verdict

Kill Team: Gallowfall sticks to the established formula of the previous boxes. Apart from the extremely wicked Fellgor Ravagers, however, the box has little exciting new to offer. At least newcomers will find all the terrain and models in one box they need to start playing straight away.