Today we got the GLOW as we review Green Stuff World’s range of FLUOR fluorescent pigments. Can these make realistic glow effects much easier than painting by brush?

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3 pots of Green Stuff World fluor pigments on green lit background
These items were kindly provided by Green Stuff World. Thoughts and opinions are our own.

Green Stuff World’s fluorescent pigments range has 12 colours to choose from and is directly available from for 3.95 Euro per 30ml pot. The website ships internationally.

Please note: In the past, there have been some (justified) shitstorms around Green Stuff World. For example, they recently used a paint job for product packaging without the approval of the artist. Since I try to maintain an unbiased and journalistic approach, I feel the need to point this out, but ultimately leave it up to you to judge.

FLUOR pigments review

For this review, I got red, orange, and turquoise fluorescent pigments. Red and orange are super intense. Even without reflecting a light source, they’re super neon and vibrant. Turquoise is a bit more muted but still reflects light quite nicely.

Below you can see the three colours on black primer, plus turquoise pigments on white primer. I brushed the pigments into the recesses of the bases, knocked off the excess, and then wiped the top clean with a make-up sponge. As you can see, it’s super easy to create really nice glow effects with Green Stuff World’s FLUOR pigments.

A review of Green Stuff World's fluorescent pigments with a comparison of sealed and unsealed

Remember that pigments usually lose some of their opacity when they get wet (e.g. by fixer or varnish). In the bottom row you can see what the pigments look like after treatment with alcoholic pigment fixer (I used the one from AK Interactive), which knocks down the intensity somewhat (please ignore the stains from the fixer, should disappear after a coat of varnish).

Where to get

You can find Fluor Pigments at our 🇬🇧/🇪🇺 partner stores Wayland Games and Element Games, at 🇩🇪 Taschengelddieb, or directly from Green Stuff World, with a welcome discount of up to 10% over RRP. Using our links supports Tale of Painters with no extra cost to you:

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  • Very bright and vibrant colours
  • 30ml pots for an affordable price
  • 12 colours to choose from


  • Turquoise is a bit muted
  • Bright cyan is missing from the range

Final Verdict

I am very happy with the fluorescent pigments from Green Stuff World. Glow effects are super easy to achieve with them, and although fluorescent paints often have a weak opacity, FLUOR pigments are very intense and luminous. The only thing I miss is a bright cyan or brighter turquoise for the typical plasma glow look. The turquoise pigment in the range is a bit too dark for my taste.