Review: White Dwarf – November 2012
This is the second edition of White Dwarf’s new direction. The first issue was impressive, can November’s issue keep the momentum going? Read on to find out. At a glance So in Stahly’s White Dwarf review last month he went into a lot of detail of…
Review: Kaiser2 from KR Multicase
I’m fortunate to own a lot of painted models and from time to time they need to be transported. I own a couple of Games Workshop plastic cases and a couple of cases from Figures in Comfort so I’m well placed to review the Kaiser2…
Review: White Dwarf Relaunched – October 2012
This is it: The first issue of the new, relaunched White Dwarf. Increased staff, a new experienced editor that comes from outside, every section of the magazine rethought. After the slow but steady decline in quality amongst the last couple of years, GW realised the…
This Saturday: Tale of Painters reviews the relaunched White Dwarf
Yesterday we’ve seen leaked pictures of some of the new Chaos Space Marine models, out next month. Go check ’em out, they are all over the internet (and the Tale of Painters Blog Network). Along with it came a glimpse on the cover of next…
Review: Dark Vengeance Limited Edition with detailed sprue pics
Today is a special day for hobbyists. We get to enjoy that rare treat that is new box smell. That’s right, grab your copy of Dark Vengeance now and breathe it in. It’s good isn’t it! Now read on for the Tale of Painters review…
Review: White Dwarf – September 2012
The Good Stuff: A gallery of Duncan Rhode’s and Chris Peach’s Vampire Counts and Brets and a gallery of alternate paint schemes for the Chaos Dark Vengeance models. What’s In There For Painters and Modellers? An ‘Eavy Metal showcase of the Dark Vengeance models; a…
Review: Portable airbrushing spray booth & extractor E420
I bought this from for £74. It looks like I’ve become a door to door salesman selling vacuum cleaners! The kit includes a booth which folds down to a suitcase with the dimensions 42cm x 15cm x 24cm and an extractor hose comprising of 5 parts….
Review: White Dwarf – August 2012
The Good Stuff: New rules and rules updates for Chaos Daemons; Blanchitsu with a showcase of a couple different plastic Nurgle heroes – some awesome conversions and paintjobs in here. What’s In There For Painters and Modellers? After the last couple of issues which had…
Review: Warhammer 40.000 6th Edition – The Rulebook (Pt. 2)
In this second and final part (find part 1 here) of our big review of the new 6th edition rulebook of Warhammer 40k we will have a look at the miniatures showcase and the hobby and battles section. Also Sigur and Stahly will draw their…
Review: Warhammer 40.000 6th Edition – The Rulebook (Pt. 1)
If you haven’t lived under a rock the last couple of weeks, you know the buzz that is Warhammer 40k 6th Edition. So welcome to our epic two-part review of the mighty tome that is the new rulebook. We’ll have a look not only at…