
Review: December’s White Dwarf

The Good Stuff: A battle report featuring siege rules from the new “Blood in the Badlands” campaign book with some non ‘Eavy Metal models; new Scrolls of Binding and Apocalypse Data Sheets; the Necrons vs Black Templars campaign with four new scenarios; the Blanchitsu article…

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Review: November’s White Dwarf

I went out and bought this issue day one, but with the only expectation to just look at cool pictures of the new Necron models… The Good Stuff: The articles about the new Necrons and their fluff, an Ogre Kingdoms tactics article. What’s In There…

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Review: Dreadfleet (Part 3 – Playing the Game)

After cleaning and putting together the pieces (and a lot of painting) me and a bunch of friends sat down to try the game out last night. First, some general info in how the game plays: As the description on GW’s website says, the game…

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Review: October’s White Dwarf

I’m late with the review of this month’s White Dwarf, but my subscripton ran out and I didn’t feel the need to buy this issue until now which speaks for itself I guess.. The Good Stuff: Dreadfleet rules introduction, Dreadfleet Painting Guide, Sisters of Battle…

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