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Today we’re going to open a Realmgate and step through into the Mortal Realms and take a look at issue 2 of The Official Warhammer Age of Sigmar Collection. Check it out after the jump.  

This review covers the second issue that was released in Warhammer stores, newsagents and supermarkets in the UK. This issue was available to buy between 22nd -28th January. Back issues are available on Hatchette Partworks websiteat the time of writing. This is UK only at the moment. The Warhammer 40,000 Conquest version was rolled out in other territories so there is a good chance the same will happen with Mortal Realms.

Mortal Realms is a weekly Magazine which includes models, paints and gaming accessories. It drip feeds you everything you need to collect, paint and play Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. It’s great for new hobbyists or seasoned veterans. 

The second issue is priced at £5.99 which is £3 more than the first issue. It all comes on a huge card back with the model sprues, paint and a brush in a plastic see-through blister box and the magazine is in a clear polybag. The back of the card explains the Collect, Build, Paint and Play structure of the publication and also shows you what to expect in the next few issues. Issue 3 and onwards are priced at £7.99.

For the money this is a great purchase. It includes Myrmourn Banshees that retail for £9.99 and a pot of Corax White which is £2.75. You also get the Magazine and a brush. The brush isn’t usually sold on it’s own as it’s the cheaper plastic handle version found in starter paint sets. 

If you want to subscribe then the leaflet above gives you all the information you need including what you get free. Subscribers don’t get charged for delivery and convenient because you’re not hunting in the shops for loose issues. The leaflet explains you will receive four issues every month as a single delivery. It also states you will automatically receive subsequent binders that cost £8.99 each. It also says you will receive special issues of Mortal Realms and will be charged for those unless you opt out beforehand either by telephone of email.

Premium subscribers will be charged £9.99 an issue and they will receive the bonus content pictured above. It’s an extra £2 an issue and you’ll receive a premium box every 20 issues. It works out to be £40 for a couple of boxes of models, paint and the relevant warscrolls. 

The second Mortal Realms magazine features a two page piece on Myrmourn Banshees. Whilst short, it is really informative. I didn’t know they could eat spells. This is purely background information. No rules are in this section.  You also get a two page article on the Wrath of Nagash and another two pages on the Soul Wars. These articles will grow with every issue you get. Being a partworks collection the idea is split the magazine up and reorder it in binders with dividers. 

You also get two pages of assembly instructions for your new Myrmourn Banshees and six pages on how to paint. A lot of this article for beginners introducing you to the tools and techniques. 

The actual painting guide is is just applying three coats of Corax White. This is actually really solid advice as it says to apply three thinned (with water) coats to the model applying each after the previous has dried. Corax White is a new Citadel Paint from Games Workshop and was released in the Autumn of 2019. It’s a got a small amount of black pigment in it and if it separates you can see the black pigment sitting on top. It’s also a really thick paint and just shaking it quickly won’t mix it thoroughly. I would suggest actually using an old knackered brush or cocktail stick and physically stirring it to ensure the pigment is correctly mixed. It’s a great paint though, I love it.

As for undercoating four Myrmourn Banshees and ten Chainrasps with Corax White and the supplied starter brush I’d actually advise you buy Corax White Undercoat Spray from a Warhammer Store for £10.40. It’ll save you hours of tedious basecoating and it will actually give you a proper undercoat which should be more hard wearing.

The final section of the magazine gives you the scenario ‘Terror Amidst the Tombs’ to play. Which sees the Sequitors from issue 1 get ambushed by the Myrmourn Banshees. They give you just enough rules for some basic fighting. This will expand and get more detailed with every issue. So it’s a nice starting point that eases you in slowly. I didn’t realise the Banshees did D3 damage with their wounds so it was interesting for me to read. 

Back of the Magazine shows you what is coming with issues three and four. I’m really looking forward to issue three and getting the Sequitors and a pot of Retributor Armour gold paint.

Overall issue two is pretty solid. Mainly because it’s still at a discounted price of £5.99. I recommend it. Pop back next week where I take a look at Issue three.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay