Showcase, Warcry

Showcase: Warcry Catacombs Terrain

It’s been a while since I reviewed the Warcry Catacombs boxed game and I’ve actually been making great progress painting all the models in the set. Today I’m going to share some pictures of the painted terrain. Check it out after the jump. 

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Fantasy - The Old World, Showcase

Showcase: Heroquest Orcs & Goblins

Back to Heroquest! Starting with some of the most iconic Orcs and Goblins figures anyone could think of. Painting Heroquest is always good fun. These figures are clear, cast cleanly, and very much reduced to the important bits. Just brilliant stuff. 😀 Hope you like…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: The Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead

Here’s the Yncarne, completing the trio of people who had their I and Y on theyr keiboard swytched. Talk about a complicated figure. 😀 But it’s really impressive how the parts fit together. Dry-fitting and lots of planning how to put it together so it…

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