It’s been a while since I reviewed the Warcry Catacombs boxed game and I’ve actually been making great progress painting all the models in the set. Today I’m going to share some pictures of the painted terrain. Check it out after the jump.
Before we delve deep down into the Varnathax’s Maw lets have a look at the Overground board and terrain. I painted this in a new colour scheme to differentiate the terrain from my first Warcry set. That way it feels like my Warband is travelling to a different settlement on their campaign when fighting in different locations. It’s a small thing but it’s enough to justify painting it differently. I wrote a tutorial for the sandstone ruins and you can view that here.
Escaping the dangers of the Bloodwind Spoils, we venture down into the Dungeons. There is a lot of terrain here, most of which is doorways but the unique features are what I really love. Weapons stash, sewer vent, coffin. It’s all so characterful. It’ll be fun to play games on but I’m looking forward to adding them to my scenic photos to help with the storytelling.
It’s pretty hot and dangerous under the Eight Points so bring you back above ground, I want to show what happens when you put together the first Warcry Board with the new Overground board and terrain. This is a good size for 1000pt Age of Sigmar battles.
Hope you enjoyed the tour of my terrain. I’ll be posting a Scions of the Flame tutorial at the weekend so be sure to check that out.