Today I present you a couple of broken pillars from the Dominion of Sigmar: Timeworn Ruins set I painted to compliment my Warcry scenery collection. I chose a muted jade green that matches the pale green tiles on the grey Warcry game board as close as possible. Check out more pictures and a complete list of the paints and techniques I used.

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I wanted to keep my Warcry terrain collection less chaos-y and more like a generic human settlement, so I did away with the palisades and barricades that came with the Warcry starter set and painted these Timeworn Ruin pieces instead. I designed the paint scheme to be as close as possible to the green tiles printed on the board, and also painted the bases grey to blend in. You can easily adapt this technique to all sorts of terrain pieces, Azyrite Ruins and the like…

So here is my list of paints recipes:

Sea Green Ruins
Primer: TAP Angel Green Color Primer
Heavy Drybrush/Stipple: Kabalite Green
Heavy Drybrush: Sons of Horus Green
Drybrush: Death Guard Green
Selective Drybrush: Dawnstone
Gentle Drybrush: Deepkin Flesh

Grey gravel bases
Basecoat: Mechanicus Standard Grey
Wash: TAP Dark Tone Ink / Lahmian Medium 1:1
Drybrush: TAP Filthy Cape
Drybrush: Terminatus Stone (Wraithbone)
Rocks: Basecoat Administratum Grey, Wash TAP Dark Tone / Strong Tone Ink / Contrast Medium 1:1:2

Basecoat: Corax White
Wash: Skeleton Bone / Strong Tone Ink / Lahmian Medium 1:1:1
Layer: P3 Jack Bone (if needed)
Highlight: RMS Polished Bone
Highlight: VMC White

Abbreviations: OOP = old Citadel paint range (out of production), VGC = Vallejo Game Color, VMC = Vallejo Model Color, VMechaC = Vallejo Mecha Color, P3 = Privateer Press Formula P3, TAP = The Army Painter Warpaints, RMS = Reaper Master Series, GSW = Greenstuff World, S75 = Scale 75 Scale Color

Hope you enjoy my take on the Timeworn Ruins . I also prepared a step by step tutorial that should hit the blog on Sunday, so stay tuned for that.