Age of Sigmar, Painting Guides, Showcase, Warcry

Showcase: Warcry Ruins Azyrite Ruined Chapel (with paint recipes)

This week is Warcry Catacombs week! Today I share my Azyrite Ruins from the original Warcry starter set, which are also included in the new Catacombs box. I chose a basic dark grey stone colour for my ruins, with some details picked out in brass, rusty metal, and a jade green that matches the pale green tiles of the Warcry game board. I share all my paint recipes in this post, so feel free to copy or adapt my scheme as you please.

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: The Visarch, Sword of Ynnead

Heyhey, a while ago I got to paint the Triumvirate of Ynnead. Here’s the first of them, the Visarch. Very impressive (and big) figures. The figures are supposed to go with a Harlequin army I painted earlier. The colour scheme has a decidedly Bavarian bent,…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angels Eradicators

Welcome to today’s blog post where I’m going to share my finished Eradicators. I managed to get these three models finished in a week. My weekly self imposed deadline is really helping me get through the backlog! After the jump I share a some close ups as well as a group shot of all the Indomitus Primaris Marines I’ve painted so far.

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