40k, Showcase

Showcase: Necron Overlord from Indomitus

Hi, all! I’m hopping on the Indomitus bandwagon and painted the Necron Overlord. He will be the only Necron because it’s the only model I got ;). I do have some other characters from the Indomitus box set, like the Space Marine Captain and Chaplain….

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Necron Skorpekh Lord from Indomitus

Continuing my lore and rules focus on the brand new units from Indomitus, today we’re looking at the Skorpekh Lord. Check it out after the jump. The higher up the Necron Hierarchy the greater the ability to retain their own consciousness. Not so for the…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Necrons Plasmancer and Cryptothralls

Today we’re going to take a closer look at the Necron Plasmancer and his subservient Cryptothralls backstory and how they perform on the battlfield. More after the jump. Floating above the ground with it’s cyclopean head stooped low, the Plasmancer holds unfathomable power over alien…

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