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Today we delve back into the Indomitus set to find out who the Bladeguard Ancient is and what role he plays on the battlefield. Read on after the jump.

Bladeguard is the role given to Veterans or an Ancient who commit to the guardianship of the company’s honour and fight beside their Captain. Planting the standard and locking shields few forces can break in.

The Ancient has the honour of carrying the Chapters most revered and precious standards into battle. These relics contain the remains and paraphernalia of long lost battle brothers. These fallen heroes inspire their living battle brothers pushing them to enact their own legendary deeds.

The Bladeguard ancient has a typical stat line similar to an Intercesser with the only changed being his 5 wounds, 4 attacks and leadership 9. The only weapons he carries are a Heavy Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak grenades. 

The Ancient has three special rules. First is ‘Angels of Death’ that is in the Space Marine codex. Secondly he has ‘Astartes Banner’ which is a 6” aura that adds +1 to the leadership to friendly <chapter> units. It has a secondary benefit, models within 6” of the banner who die, on a 4+ get to make an attack (shooting or melee) before they removed from the battlefield. 

The third special rule is another aura called ‘Deeds of Heroism’ and you get to add +1 to hit rolls for friendly Bladeguard units within 6” of this banner. 

Sadly no weapon profile or special rule for the little skeletal hand (is it a handbag?) he’s carrying. Would loved a rule that let you bitch slap heretics with it. 

He was a great model to paint. I really enjoyed it. I followed my Deathwing tutorial to paint it. I think with his robes and grim skeletal relics he makes a great model to add to my Dark Angels. Also feels great to finally be painting some Primaris Deathwing. 

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