Showcase: Ultramarines 10th Company Scouts with Shotguns
In a break from assembling the huge Thunderhawk gunship, I went back to basics and painted some troops for my Scout Company. These scouts were given to me by my mate Stretch over at The plan here is to add the Scout Company to...
Showcase: Salamanders Razorbacks, Salamanders Dreadnoughts, Vulkan He’Stan, Librarian, Casualty
Alright, here’s pictures of some finished stuff of a commission job I’ve been working on for the past two weeks (amongst other things of course). Razorbacks, Forgefather Vulkan He’Stan, a wounded Space Marine, a Dreadnought with different weapon loadouts, Forgeworld Ashmantle Dreadnought (he’s got another...
Showcase: Skaven Warp Lightning Cannon (slightly converted)
This is my Warp Lightning Cannon. As you might noticed, I lowered the position of the barrel by using one of the middle holes in the chassis. I think it gives the cannon more bulk and the barrel doesn’t stick out that much. I also...
Showcase: Skaven Clanrats pushing Screaming Bell
When I pulled out my photography gear for taking pictures of my Ultramarines Captain, I thought it would be cool to photograph my Clanrats along with my Screaming Bell. As you can see, I made two halfed movement trays for the rats so I can...
Showcase: Ultramarines Cities of Death Captain
Finally decent pictures of the limited Cities of Death Ultramarine Captain I painted a while ago! I really like how the model turned out – I like how the blue banner provides a better contrast to the attached parchment over the ‘Eavy Metal version. I...
Showcase: Ultramarines Close Combat Terminators
Even though the Seargent isn’t finished yet (and he will be some time off as I try to find a tabbard from the Grey Knights Terminators sprue) I decided to take some nice pictures of my Terminators. I’m very pleased with them, clean edge highlights...
Showcase: Skaven Island of Blood Warlord
I painted this model quite a while ago, however I wasn’t satisfied with the blood splatter on his axe. So I left him in my display cabinet for a while before I came back to him and repainted the blood for the second time. It...
Showcase: Skaven Screaming Bell
Some better pictures of my painted Screaming Bell. A really challenging model. It is so complex and full of detail and different textures. Also it is so tall I had to rearrange the shelves in my display cabinet. I’m rather happy I’m done with it,...
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