Showcase: Dark Eldar Kabalites with Raider
I’m running out of Dark Eldar units to show you guys. Today’s are Kabilites with their raider transport.
Showcase: Dark Eldar Archon
A little late today, but here’s today’s Dark Eldar unit in the week long Dark Eldar Marathon! My Archon.
Showcase: Pre-Heresy World Eaters test miniatures
Hey, I’m back with a new project – pre-heresy World Eaters. This of course means lots of chainaxes, older Marks of power armour and some extra Angry! As the colour scheme for Pre-Heresy World Eaters is rather dull (main colour: not a colour, secondary colour:...
Showcase: Dark Eldar Talos
Continuing my Dark Eldar week on Tale of Painters, I have the honour of sharing my Talos with you guys. Eagle-eyed readers might remember seeing this model on GAmes Workshop’s What’s New Today Blog earlier on in the year.
Showcase: Dark Eldar Wyches and Raider
Here are my Wyches with their Raider transport.
Showcase: Dark Eldar Razorwing Jetfighter
I’ve just photographed all my Dark Eldar models specifically for sharing with all the great people who follow Tale of Painters. I’ll be uploading a new unit every day for the next week. To start us off we have the awesome Razorwing Jetfighter. The price...
Showcase: Grey Knight Dreadknight
I love the Dreadknight model, I really enjoyed painting this monster of a model. I opted for a heavy psycannon and Nemesis Great Sword. The sword alone took me 5 and a half hours to paint by hand (no airbrush). The armour was painted by...
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