Heyhey, some more Space Wolves but definately the last ones for a while. Bikes got a considerable boost (no pun intended) with 6th edition 40k and so out they come again.
Which I find is great because I really like the fact that there still are bikes in 40k It’s a nice thing to make 40k a bit different and it’s a reminder of the days when the overall style was much more “rowdy” in a way with leather jackets, mohawks and heavy motorcycles playing a more pivotal role.
Anyway, I think that the Space Marines bikes still hold up very, very well even if they lost their flag poles and they are a fun addition to any army.
Sorry if I get a bit nostalgic over these models but do you see that guy with the Meltagun? That torso originally came with the Space Marines bike squad box along with a plasmagunner (same pose) and a sergeant with a power sword if I remember correctly and those were the first Warhammer 40,000 models I ever built and painted.
Anyway, I hope you like those models. They got some Space Wolves stuffs added to make them fit the chapter better. Come to think of it, it may be the first time I ever did those rounded cavarly bases GW are doing now. Blame the lack of bike popularity in recent years. 😉
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Currently converting two packs of Swiftclaws (6+1attk ea.) from Dark Vengeance batches… It's working pretty well, actually; shaving, filing & putting in lots of Wolfpack bitz. I keep coming back to Sigur's work for inspiration! 🙂
Awesome work on these Wolves!!!
Any chance to get a tutorial how painting space wolves?
Thank you!
Those are pretty damn sweet. I really like that they all have their heads looking around and the bikes are on tilts — much more dynamic looks. The chainswords look good in their hands too. they really have the look of cruising the battlefield looking for more baddies to run down and chop up!
Lovely models. I have two sets of those bike squad upgrade too. I like the melta guy but the plasma guy is kindda off comparing to the new plasma guys. I believe they recently got finecasted as well. 🙁
Great stuff, I just finished a squad recently with the same Melta gunner and Plasma gunner torso's. I still think SM bikes are very Judge Dredd Ha!