Showcase: Blood Angels Space Marine Heroes Brother Dolor
And here he is, Brother Dolor from the Space Marine Heroes Series 1 (or Brother Gabriel, as he is known in the Space Marine Adventures game). This model was very enjoyable to paint, great for honing my edge highlighting skills. Check out more models after…
WIP: Blood Angels Space Marine Heroes Brother Dolor
I still got two models left from the Space Marine Adventures boxed game to paint, so here is Brother Dolor (or Brother Gabriel as he is called in the game). Loyal readers of the blog might remember I sold my Blood Angels army a while…
For Sale: Stahly’s Blood Angels Army
This is a very special occasion: I’m selling my treasured, White Dwarf featured Blood Angels collection I lovingly painted over the course of two years. The models above can be yours. Read on to find out more. Update: Army sold. It’s hard to part ways…
Showcase: Stahly’s Blood Angels / Knight Questoris Army
When I took an army shot of my Ultramarines lately, I also took the chance and photographed my Blood Angels, supported by a Knight Questoris from House Raven and a Culexus Assassin, as well. I painted this collection around 2015 and 2016 and I plan to…
Showcase: Blood Angels Strike Force by Aurélie
It’s Aurélie, I’m back with my latest big project for a customer, a Blood Angels strike force! Hope you like it. More pictures and a short tutorial for camouflage patterns after the jump. How to create the camouflage effect First, I applied the base paint…
Showcase: Carmine Blades Death Company by Lecoqadoodledo
Lecoqadoodledo here, with another group of Carmine Blades Space Marines. This time I’ve got some Death Company to show you. The Death Company are by far my favourite aspect of the Blood Angels and their successors. Such a tragic, yet awesome concept. Now I thought…
Showcase: Carmine Blades Scout Squad with Sniper Rifles by Lecoqadoodledo
Greetings all, Lecoqadoodledo back with part two of the beginning of an ambitious Space Marine project. Not necessarily part of a Battle Company, I added the Scouts with Snipers just because I like the models so much, and it allowed me to work out the…
Showcase: Carmine Blades Tactical Squad by Lecoqadoodledo
Greetings all, Lecoqadoodledo here, back with the beginning of an ambitious Space Marine project. Last November, I made the decision that I wanted a Battle Company worth of marines. The inspiration came from Garfy’s Ultramarine collection and Stahly’s Blood Angels, Ultramarines and Eldar. Those collections…
Showcase: Blood Angels Tartaros Terminators
A year ago, I painted these Blood Angels Tartaros Terminators. For some reason or another, I didn’t completely finish them back then, as I never got around to add their insignia. With the Wraithknight now finally completed, it made perfect sense to slip in a…
Showcase: Blood Angels Legion Tribune by Lecoqadoodledo
Lecoqadoodledo back again with a second Blood Angel. A slightly different flavour though, as this is the limited Legion Tribune that was available a while back in Games Workshop stores. I originally hadn’t planned to do it as a Blood Angel, until I overheard a…
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