Hey party people! I’m Forest, the new guy. Probably like a lot of you, I used to paint a little in school, long ago. Now is my first anniversary of painting again and its time to show you one of my Blood Angels army’s characters: the Captain in Terminator Armour. You might know the model from the Start Collecting box, except for one detail – after the jump.
First things first, the model is just awesome. It’s bulky, armed to the teeth and full of all the bling you wanna see on a Space Marine Captain. The only thing that had to be changed was the head since the default face looks like a member of the Backstreet Boys. Which is, of course, heresy. Now with a more battle-hardened face he really looks like he leads from the front. In our little Kill Team campaign, he’s known as Captain Crassus Flexus, always on the edge and looking for trouble.
The colour scheme is a classic red with black trims and details, just a bit darker than the codex Marines. Because… they’re space soldiers, after all 😉
I tried fiddling with freehands for the first time on this model, and as you can imagine, the cape wasn’t exactly a perfect fit for a first step in the world of freehands. But after a decent amount of attempts and swearing the Imperial eagle shines in all its glory.
What do you think about his new head – badass or bad choice? Leave a comment or reaction below.
Excellent figure! Can't believe you've only been painting a year! Really great detail.
The head swap is a win imho, it makes the head look a bit smaller, which accentuates the size of the armour. And also looks more aggro than ballad.
It's really nice to see blood angel armour looking wartorn red, rather than blood orange boxart.
The freehand eagle is fantastic, it's only a shame it can't be seen from the "golden angle".
Please post more of your work.
Do you have an Instagram, or FB account?
Thank you so much Richard! The cloak is really not the most freehand-friendly, but sometimes less is more 😉
I already talked to Stahly and I'm honored to post more in the future. Meanwhile you can have a peek at my Insta Account @brushofpaul
Thank you for the instagram details, I'm now following.
Some really nice work on there ??
Nice head swap, makes him look gritty, but Blonde Cropped hair would be more fitting for a Son Of Sanguinius
I always loved their red armor but couldn't come to terms with the blonde 90's boyband hairstyle… so while you're completely correct according to lore, my army has no blonde Marine to this day 😉
Sweet model!
Great work, and great choice of head.
Love your work here. Captain looks dark and moody as needed. What kit is the head from? I've painted this same unit up and the cape is a real bugger with any image on the back as that fold is so deep.
Thanks 😉 The Cape was a real guessing game, even the assemble was wonky as hell. His head is from the base Primaris Intercessor Kit.
Hey, kudos on a great looking termite captain. Just curious what are your recipes for the wing on the rear of the thunder hammer and the crux.terminates? They look suitably grim dark.
Hey Dustin! Thanks a lot!
Here are the recipes…first, the wings:
(1) Black undercoat
(2) Gory Red (Vallejo), thinned down apllied as gradient
(3) Mephiston Red (GW), thinned down apllied as gradient
(4) Bloody Red (Vallejo), thinned down apllied as gradient
(5) Thin edges in Clear Orange (Vallejo)
(6) Thinner edges in Sunny Skin Tone (Vallejo)
(7) add a tiny bit of White to the edges
(8) Black Ink in into recesses
The crux:
(1) undercoat Mephistion Red (GW)
(2) Balthasar Gold (GW)
(3) plenty of Agrax Earthshade (GW)
(4) slight touch of Drakenhof Nightshade (GW)
(5) Drybrush Gehenna Gold (GW)
(6) light Drybrush Auric Armor Gold (GW)
(7) refine deepest shadows with Drakenhof Shade or Black Ink
hope that helps 😉