Showcase: Blood Angels Primaris Captain from Imperium
On today’s blog post I share finished pics of my Blood Angels Captain from issue 5 of the Imperium Magazine. This model is only available with the magazine and is an exclusive.
Video Showcase: Space Marine Heroes Series 1
I thought celebrating 10 years of Tale of Painters would be the perfect occasion to finally make one of the announcements from my 2021 hobby resolutions come true and launch my YouTube channel with my first ever video: an epic showcase for my Space Marine…
Showcase: Blood Angel Bladeguard Lieutenant
Welcome to today’s post, where I share the first model I’ve painted from the Imperium Hatchette Partworks magazine subscription. This haemoglobin thirsty warrior is a Bladeguard Lieutenant of the Blood Angels Chapter. With a yellow chest Aquila, black shoulder rims and an orangey red armour he’s best on the late 80s and early 90s way of painting Blood Angels.
Showcase: Blood Angels‘ Reiver
Check out today’s post, where I try to justify painting an orange Blood Angel model instead of finishing off my Cursed City set. I also share the paint recipe for the orange armour.
Showcase: Blood Angels Chief Libarian Mephiston by Forest
He came back from the dead, in this case even literally. Chief Librarian Mephiston made me do it, I had to remove paint for the first time ever. If you wanna know what happened here and if I drank the paint remover afterwards… read more…
Showcase: Blood Angels Primaris Aggressors by Forest
Hey party people! It’s Forest again. This time I bring you some chunky boys, Aggressors in their impressive gravis armour. If you wanna know what I did to make them a bit more Blood Angels-like, read more after the jump. I really like the design…
Showcase: 2nd Edition Blood Angels Sergeant by Rich
Hi all, Rich here back again with another ‘retro’ mini. This is my take on a classic veteran sergeant model. I remember seeing him painted up as a Blood Angel in White Dwarfs from the mid/early 90s and really liking how much character the model…
Showcase: Blood Angels Mephiston, Lord of Death
Hi, all! A quick look at the new Primaris Mephiston sculpt I finished this week. A massive model and a good amount of details to paint. What do you think? Leave a comment or reaction below…
Showcase: Blood Angels Captain in Terminator Armour by Forest
Hey party people! I’m Forest, the new guy. Probably like a lot of you, I used to paint a little in school, long ago. Now is my first anniversary of painting again and its time to show you one of my Blood Angels army’s characters:…
Tutorial: How to paint Blood Angels Armour
As promised, here is an easy to follow step-by-step tutorial for painting the iconic red armour of the Blood Angels, painted with the budget-friendly Warpaints range from The Army Painter we reviewed a while ago. Check out the detailed instructions after the jump. 1. The model was…
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