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Today, it’s all about Count Noctilus’ flagship itself – the Bloody Reaver!
The small byship (is there a word like that?) is painted in colours to
go with the big ship as always. The freehand on the sail is a bit
different to how I’ve done it the first time around. This time I tried
doing a skull in what is called “three quarter perspective” in German.
Is the English term the same? My dictionary didn’t come up with
Here’s a shot of the sails, mainly because the smaller one is
really hard to see in built form. Here’s where I point out what is
freehanded and what is not – Thee scrolls, skeletal emblems and so on
are all cast onto the sails. The text is all freehanded.
Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios.
As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
Lovely. I will be working on mine this weekend.
Thanks for the comments, guys. 🙂
I always encourage people to get into Dreadfleet. The people who call it a failure or who don't like it in many cases never even played it or had it in hand. It's basically a wargame in a box, much more like the Battle Fleet Gothic box than something like Heroquest for example. The Dreadfleet rulebook is about as thick as the BFG one. The game is a tad more random but I like some randomness in my GW games. For hardcore simulations or something thing that you don't turn to a GW product anyway. 🙂 It's good fun, the only shameis that they didn't release more scenarios. It's good fun though and the models are great for painting.
Completely agree Sigur. Love the models and the game is fun to play, if yet a bit random. I'm fine with that 🙂
wow, that is fantastic. I should really paint mine…so many models…
The blending on the back sails in pic two is absolutely flawless, great job.