One of the perks of being a commission painter is that you get to paint some things more than once. In this case – Dreadfleet!
The basic order was “Do it as you did before!” and I obey.
Of course it’s not 100% the same because, and this is one of the greatest things about miniatures painting, no miniature ever looks exactly the same.
Some morels are still WIP like the Flaming Scimitar below. On all the capital ships the bases need a bit more work and the Scimitar needs the accompanying mermaids done.
Markers and islands on the other hand are 100% done. What’s the most glaringly missing is the Heldenhammer at this point, the Swordfish and the Auxiliary Cogs which all are only primed.
More WIP shots as well as – hopefully soon (I expect about a week at the most) – fully finished pictures!
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This blog rocks. Keep up the good work.
I love Dreadfleet, so it's awesome to see more of it on Tale of Painters.
I love painting my set. Each ship was fun and produced different challenges, a bit like the Heroes in the Hobbit boxed game.
Excellent miniatures,
I never really fancied the Dreadfleet models when they were first released, however I have been thinking about getting them recently.
I think this has just sealed the deal.
I'm pretty sure my girlfriend is going to start hating you soon… obviously it's your fault I buy more models!!