Fantasy - The Old World

Showcase: Dwarven Adventurer

Some night recently I felt a certain lack of steam behind my commission painting efforts and spotted an acquisition I had made with Hasslefree miniatures a few months ago so I took a little break and decided to paint this “random” figure. I have no…

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40k, Editorial

Chat: Cinematic Space Hulk photos

After the jump I have more atmospheric pictures from the depths of a shadowy Space Hulk. Check it out now. Back in 2010, I was studying Dreamweaver and I was tasked with creating my own website. These pictures are from the website (which never went…

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Chat: ThirdEyeNuke Desk Setup

  I got asked in one of my previous posts to see my workspace, so here is it. It’s pretty much an ikea table covered with paint pots and not much space to place anything else. In fact this actually made me think that maybe…

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Tutorial: Scarebrushing vs Airbrushing

A few years ago I decided to get into airbrushing. It’s a fairly significant investment for most, and one which begs a lot of questions and Internet research. Here at Tale of Painters we believe in sharing what we, as amateur experts (and oxymorons) have…

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