Today I have a video version of my popular Sons of Horus speedpainting tutorial. This tutorial uses techniques like zenithal highlights, sponge weathering and drybrushing, allowing you to finish a Space Marine Legionary in 45 minutes or less. Find out more in this post.
How to speedpaint grimdark Sons of Horus
Hope you enjoyed the video. It’s my first tutorial video, and the image quality and sharpness of the painting bits could be better, but I’ll be getting there. Please like and subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already to help me beat the YouTube algorithm, and if you want to support me financially so I can invest in better camera equipment, please check out my Patreon, you can find a few exclusive tutorials, resources and discount codes for some of out partners.
If you prefer a written version of this Sons of Horus tutorial, check out this post:
Thanks a lot, and happy hobbying!
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