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After the jump I have more atmospheric pictures from the depths of a shadowy Space Hulk. Check it out now.

Back in 2010, I was studying Dreamweaver and I was tasked with creating my own website. These pictures are from the website (which never went live). It was to be a showcase site displaying my Tyranid army. 

I wanted a heavy narrative feel and would have written background for my fleet. Inspired by the images in the Forge World Imperial Armour books I created some images to inspire my writing. Alas, it went no further then these images and the test site (I passed the Dreamweaver course though). 

This was clearly a forerunner for my love of cinematic photography. You can see some of my Hobbit photography herehere and here

These shots were taken before I owned a Digital SLR so I had no real control over the depth of field with my small point and shoot digital camera. There’s lots I don’t like about them now, but they’re still fun and worth sharing. 

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay