WIP: Underworlds Nighthaunt Thorns of the Briar Queen #2
First four Thorns of the Briar Queen done. Fun little models with a lot of character each. Lots of people ask me about my recipe for the purple/white of the ectoplasm bodies, it’s a zenithal highlight of Corax White over a basecoat of puple, then…
WIP: Ork Warbosses and Characters
Another Orks WIP. Characters. Big’uns. All of them really. Absurdly large. Anyway, from left to right: Weirdboy Warphead, Nob with Warbanner, Warboss in mega armour (quite obviously), Warboss in ‘eavy armour, Weirdboy. As with the prior updates, these chaps are mostly done. Bases and final…
WIP: Underworlds Nighthaunts Thorns of the Briar Queen #1
For a change of pace from all the terrain, I started painting these Thorns of the Briar Queen that have just been featured in Mortal Realms, kindly provided by Hachette UK. Originally I planned to combine these with my Myrmourn Banshees to play Warcry with…
WIP: Ork Looterz
More Orks! This time it’s 30 Looterz. I only get to paint these figures, I don’t build them. So I can gush on about how cool these conversions are. Not a single guy or gun is the same in this unit. Very little can be…
WIP: Ork Big Meks with Shokk Attack Guns
Heyhey. It’s lovely, lovely April. It’s also weird, weird times, but let’s focus on the loveliness of April (while keeping a distance, wearing masks and gloves). I’m currently working on a bunch more Goff Orks and here we got three Big Meks – some bigger…
WIP: Chaos Marauder Horsemen
My #NewYearNewArmy has turned into my #isolationarmy. Social distancing in these strange times is giving me a little more time to paint models which is great because these Chaos Maurauder Horsemen are actually quite time consuming. I’m painting them in small batch paints of two…
WIP: Underworlds Stormcasts Ironsoul’s Condemnors
While I was working on my Necromunda terrain collection, I didn’t forget about #taleoftuesdays and my Stormcast Eternals warband. I made good progress with the second batch of models. These Sequitors take longer to paint than regular Stormcast because of all the different textures and…
WIP: Ork Stormboyz
Heyhey, after a whole lot of Prussians and right before getting started on some more I’ll see that I get a bit of a head start on some Orks. First: 64 Stormboyz. I split them into two batches of 32 to make it more manageable,…
Tale of Tuesdays: Stahly Month 3 – Ironsoul’s Condemnors
Another month of #taleoftuesdays, another warband. After Arcane missed his deadline last week (shame! shame! shame!), it’s my turn to step in and present you the start of my second warband. I went for Ironsoul’s Condemnors, leftover from my Dreadfane box, and also the first…
WIP: Genestealer Cults Patriach
So in my last post I talked about missing a deadline and being so busy I hadn’t had time to paint. That week off from painting gave me plenty of time to think and thoughts of a warm embrace from the sky mother started to…
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